What is Co-ordination ?
Several different organ systems function in multicellular organisms .
Their life goes on smoothly if there is co-ordination between this different organ systems or organs and the stimuli in the surrounding .
Depending upon this , we can say that systematic regulation of different processes can be called control and bringing about the different processes in the proper sequence can be called co-ordiantion .
If any activity in the body is to be completed succesfully , proper co-ordiantion between different systems and organs participating at different steps of that activity is necessary .
If due to lack of co-ordination or some other factor , there is confusion at any step the activity may not get completed .
There should not be any randomness at any step .
There needs to be proper co-ordination between internal activities of the body resulting from various factors like body temperature , water level , enzyme-level , etc .
Stimuli arising in the surrounding enviornment .
Proper co-ordination between various system of an organism helps to maintain
a state of eqilibrium called ' homeostasis'
which is necessary for the optimal efficiency of the body .
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