Endogenetic Movements

Endogenetic  Movements

Endogenetic Movements are the movements which occurs naturally , that are movements occurs inside or outside of earth's crust .

Various natural events occur on the earth from time to time e.g. floods , storms , snowfall , extreme rainfall , etc. 
Similarly , because of the movement below the earth's surface , natural events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur . 
For organisms living on earth , these events are disastrous .There is loss of life and property because of natural calamities .

              ⚫   Nepal Devastated  ⚫

Powerful earthquake devastated Nepal , nearly 1500 killed .
In Kathmandu , on 25 April (PTI)
A powerful earthquake measuring 7.9 on Ritcher scale struck Nepal on 25 April .
1000 people were injured in the disaster .

The quake and a series of serious aftershocks delivered a severe blow to Nepal. The tremors were also felt across vast streches of east and northeast India.
It was also felt in China , Bhutan , and as far as Pakistan and Bangladesh .
The earthquake with epicentre at Lamjung , around 80 kilometer northwest of kathmandu , had its impact in several cities in Bihar , West Bengal and Uttar pradesh . 

No. of Dead  :-  India - 53 , Tibet - 12 , Bangladesh - 2 .

⚫   7.9 Ritcher Scale - 11:40 am
⚫   6.6 Ritcher Scale -  12:19 pm .

Epicenter :-  Lamjung (Nepal) .

Focus 11 km deep .
⚫ 17 more shocks after 2 big tremors .
⚫ Duration ranging from 30 sec to 2 min.
⚫ India , Bangladesh and Pakistan also experience tremors .
⚫ 22 States in India feel the tremors .

This was the biggest earthquake ever measured that is called as endogenetic movements .

Volcanoes :- Most of Volcanoes have been erupted and now non-active .

Andaman and Nicobar Islands are located to the south - east of the mainland of India. On this archipelago lies the Barren Island , India's only active volcano. This volcano was dormant for a long time . But , in February 2017 , it starting erupting. Mainly dust , smoke and mud is coming out of this eruption along with some lava ..


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