☔ Precipitation ☔
What is precipitation ?
Precipitation means falls of water , snow , solid , Iiquid state from clouds to ground .
70.8 % part of the earth's surface is full of water . The distribution of this water is very uneven .
At , some places , the water storage is limited while it is ample at other places .
We see and experience the different forms of condensation .
These forms of condensation occur due to water vapour in the atmosphere .
As the atmospheric conditions change , we see changes in the forms of condensation .
On winter mornings , we find dew which are falled on leafed and all other objecta which were under sky at night .
In areas located at higher altitudes , snowfall occurs ; while it rains in other places .
Some places experience dense fog while some places experiences hailstones suddenly and face crop destruction .
Rainfall :- 1) We generally get water in the form of rainfall .
2) The temperature of the air with water vapour reduces when it goes higher .
3) Condensation of the vapour occurs .
4) Clouds form when the condensed water droplets and dust particles accumulates .
5) The water droplets increase in size .
6) When they cannot float in the air anymore because of their weight , they come down as rainfall .
Snow :-
1) When the temperature in the atmosphere falls below the freezing point , water vapour directly turns into snowflakes .
2) This is called as sublimation .
3) Here , the vapour in the form of gas transforms into solid snow .
4) Precipitation in the form of solid particles of snow is known as snowfall .
5) In high latitudinal and temperate region , snowfall occurs at the mean sea level while in tropical areas , snowfall occurs at the places located higher than the snowline altitude .
6) As the snow is in the solid form , it does not flow like water .
7) Layers of snow get deposited .
8) When the snow accumulates on a large-scale , then the transport and the communication system of that area collapses .
9) People living in those regions have to protect themselves from frostbite .
10) At last snow melts , the region gets water .
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